While Gus was away in the Holy Land, a story broke out of Buck County, Pennsylvania where a pro-life leader named Mark Houck was arrested by dozens of armed FBI agents, in front of his wife and seven children, over a civil case that had been thrown out by a judge over a year earlier. He faces 11 years in prison for an altercation involving a 72-year-old man who harassed Mark's son outside of an abortion clinic. His attorney, Peter Breen from the Thomas More Society, joins the show and talks with Gus about the case and the Biden Administration's targeting of the pro-life movement and what he expects to happen with this case. If you would like updates on Mark's case and others who are being targeted by the Department of Justice, click here.
Later, during the Tell Me Something Good segment, Gus hears a few stories of recent miracles so he invites other listeners who've experienced a miracle recently to call in and share it.
Also, today is the Feast of St. Ignatius of Antioch who was a disciple of St. John the Apostle. Several writings attributed to him still exist and he'd been featured in Gus' Friday w/the Father segment. Gus reads a letter St. Ignatius wrote and he was being transported to a location, possibly the Roman Colosseum, where he would be thrown to lions to be devoured.