Monday, March 25, 2019

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Gus broadcasts live from a parish mission at Prince of Peace Parish in Ormond Beach, Florida. Gus goes over his 60 Second Reflection, entitled "The First Christian," from today's Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord, which he deems a "miracle baby." Gus asks listeners to call in if they have a miracle baby in their lives. We hear about babies born when the mother was told she'd never be able to conceive, babies born premature living healthy lives and adoption stories.

Afterwards, Gus is joined by the pastor of Prince of Peace Parish, Fr. Bill Zamborsky, who shares his vocation story and about their new Perpetual Adoration chapel, which the parish has spent the last 13 years working on.

Later, Gus is joined by Lindsay Peck, a student at Father Lopez Catholic High School in Daytona Beach, who asks Gus a series of questions like, who's your favorite saint?


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