Monday, June 24, 2019

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Gus talks about the situation and Brebeuf Jesuit Prep School, which has chosen to employ a teacher who is openly involved in a same-sex marriage over Archbishop Charles Thompson's decision not to renew his/her contract. Gus talks about another school in Indianapolis, Cathedral High School, run by the Brothers of the Holy Cross, terminating the contract of a gay teacher who also is in a same-sex marriage in order to stay in under the auspices of the archdiocese. Gus talks with listeners about both of these situations.

Gus also recommends reading this canon law blog which explains why Archbishop Thompson had to make the decision he did.


  • Gus Lloyd: June 26, 2019

    Kathy Dapper,
    I’m not familiar with that audio and don’t have access to it. Sorry…

  • Jennifer: June 26, 2019

    I went to Catholic high school not too long ago. A lot of the teachers were ex-Nuns. (Maybe there’s a technical term for that but they were nuns who had left the nunnery). And a few of them were involved in openly gay relationships that we knew of. As a student, I could have cared less to be honest and the parents didn’t either. I suppose if the school had fired the teachers, there would be no teachers left who wanted to work for the small salary they received at Catholic schools!

  • Kathy Dapper: June 26, 2019

    Can you please email me the audio clip of Real Faith and Life Moments from June 25 2019 by Greg Wasinski. It was about being persecuted for your Catholic beliefs? It was pertinent to this topic and I would like to share it.

  • Richard : June 25, 2019

    In listening to this broadcast, I have a better understanding on this matter. Gus made an excellent point. The teacher CONTINUES her commitment to “same sex marriage” and does so in public manner. This is in clear violation of Catholic teaching and God’s word: “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”
    It is one thing to commit sin, be sorry for it, and as Jesus stated, “Go and sin no more.” It is entirely different to continue to live in that sin and expect full communion with God and the Church.

  • Toni: June 25, 2019

    The teachers represent the school. Since gay marriage is not condoned by the Catholic faith,the gay teachers cannot teach at a Catholic school.

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