Catholic author and theologian Dr. Thomas Williams calls in to talk about his newest book, "The Coming Christian Persecution: Why Things Are Getting Worse and How to Prepare for What is to Come," which will be available from Crisis Publications on March 20th. Dr. Williams talks with Gus about how this all came about and gives solid examples of hard and soft Christian persecution around the world, including right here in North America.
Also, today is the feast of the 20th century American-born St. Katharine Drexel so Gus takes a little time to talk about her life and legacy.
And it's Friday so that means Gus dedicates some Prayer Time with listeners and in today's edition of Friday w/the Fathers, Gus reads from the Tome of Pope St. Damasus I, which wraps up Volume I of William A. Jurgens' "Faith of the Early Fathers."