Earlier this month, in the Archdiocese of St. Paul/Minneapolis, a priest in Minnesota gave a homily in which he described Islam as the biggest threat to the United States and to Christianity. He received a lot of blow-back from it, especially considering that it was on Immigrant Sunday in his diocese. He has since issued an apology for offending anyone. Gus gives his thoughts on Islam and the priest's homily, which he described as a bridge too far, and gets listeners' opinions.
And, today is Prayer Time. Once a month, Gus offers up an Intentional Rosary with listeners and today is the day.
My problem isn’t so much with Islam as with the free pass that society is giving some of their archaic, maiming, and radical displays of "IN"tolerance towards others. It’s just sad that as a Catholic, we don’t get the same free pass and more than likely get criticized for being Catholic and Christian and trying to uphold my faith and my beliefs. And I am unapologetic for being either or for my beliefs.