Gus talks about a recent incident at St. Francis Parish in Portland, Oregon where a gaggle of parishioners who were opposed to a new priest who was installed by Archbishop Alexander Sample decided to protest by interrupting mass. They slighted parishioners were upset by many of the recent changes they felt undid much of the "progressive and inclusive" work they had done under previous pastor, Fr. Dan Durand, who has been accused of molesting more than a dozen preteen and teenage boys. Gus gets listener reaction.
And, it's Friday and that means Prayer Time on Seize the Day. Today, Gus offers up his monthly Intentional Rosary.
I had been following this story even before your radio show about it. I find the actions of the upset parishioners to very troubling. But searching for the right response I came a cross a Scripture passage that suggests “what Jesus would do” and, like so many of Jesus’s responses, it does invite a radical way of thinking. “Therefore, if you bring your gift to the altar, and there recall that your brother has anything against you, leave your gift there at the altar, go first and be reconciled with your brother, and then come and offer your gift.” I can’t help wondering what would happen if the priest were to pause at the offertory, set down the bread and wine, perhaps recall that passage to all of those gathered – prayerful parishioners as well as protestors – and take time to listen to what the protestors have to say. Our most essential response to the presence of Jesus is to listen to Jesus. At least that appears to be the case from the Transfiguration. In this case it seems that listening to Jesus would direct us to listening to those who are protesting. God only knows if the protestors would listen in return.
This group comes from a state of emotion and strive to keep this issue on those terms. To attempt to forcefully remove them serves to keep the issue on an emotional plane. What Father should do is call the group’s leadership to meet and discuss the issue calmly. But first all sides should prayerfully review the documents of Vatican II. They may find that to their surprise, much more of the"old church" survived these sweeping “changes.” If this doesn’t work then maybe the Bishop can shepherd this list okay of his flock back. But all this must be kept free of emotion.