Where's My Trophy?

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Today’s first reading from Wisdom 2 and 3 is one that we recently heard – on All Souls’ Day. It is one that those of us who have lost loved ones can take great comfort in.

In the Gospel reading from Luke 17 we hear Jesus say, “When you have done all you have been commanded, say, ‘We are unprofitable servants; we have done what we were obliged to do.'” No kudos, no lauds, no extra credit. We’re simply being obedient – nothing more, nothing less.

We live in a time of trophies for all. As a culture, we seem to be obsessed with making sure that no one’s feelings get hurt. Everyone wins! Unfortunately, this carries over to the spiritual life. And it can be deadly. After all, if everyone gets a trophy (read: heaven), then why bother with faith or church or good works. I mean, really, who needs that whole obedience thing? Where’s my trophy, Lord?

Father, give us the grace to be obedient, and to be humble servants of you, through your Son Jesus Christ. Amen.

Today’s Readings

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