The Dangers of Power

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Today's Gospel reading is the story of Jesus healing ten lepers. Yet, only one returned to give thanks. In our first reading from Wisdom 6, we hear a warning for those who wield power.

"Because, though your were ministers of his kingdom, you judged not rightly, and did not keep the law, nor walk according to the will of God, terribly and swiftly shall he come against you, because judgment is stern for the exalted..."

While this certainly applies to political leaders, I see this as a warning to those who wield power in the Church. Now, I am far too lowly to presume any special knowledge, but I am gravely concerned at the direction that some of the Church leadership seem to want to take Holy Mother Church. (See: German Synodal Way) Those who wish to usurp God's word and the timeless teachings of the Church will pay a steep price. In the end, God will be the final judge. Please join me in praying for those who currently wield power in the Church.

Father, may our leaders always adhere to your word and your will, as give to us from Christ our Lord. Amen.

Today's Readings

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1 comment

  • Carl: November 15, 2023

    AMEN Gus! We cannot expect the world to follow Him while so many of our Church hierarchy don’t.

    I hope and pray that the words from Wisdom resonate with all the USCCB as they meet at their Fall Plenary Assembly in Baltimore.

    I also pray that all join in today at noon (EST) to pray a Rosary for Bishop Strickland – and ALL our bishops and Religious to follow Him and His teachings.

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