Transformation and Discernment

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Today’s second reading is just two short verses from Romans 12. But what power is packed into those two verses!

Paul tells us to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice to God. He then says that we should be transformed by the renewal of our mind, so that we can discern God’s will for our lives. So many people are confused about what God’s will is for them. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m no expert. But I can tell you this…renewal and discernement go hand in glove. The more we allow God to renew us, to come around to His way of thinking, the more clearly we are going to see His way of thinking.

When we begin to understand God’s mind and heart more, then things begin to make more sense to us. Ah, so that’s why that person called me this week! God wants me to offer them comfort! Now it all makes sense. The more we are transformed, the more we can see how God wants us to participate in the transformation of others.

Father, help us to open our hearts today to your transforming love. May we share that love and help to transform the world with You. Amen.

Today’s Readings


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