In today’s Gospel reading from John 14, Thomas says to Jesus, “Master, we do not know where you are going; how can we know the way?” Jesus replies, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one come to the Father except through me.”
There’s an interesting heresy that is especially popular these days, even in Christian circles, that Jesus is A way to the Father. But that’s not what He said. He said, “I am THE way…No one comes to the Father EXCEPT THROUGH ME.” (Emphasis mine.) This is so important for us to remember.
As Catholics, we believe that all religions contain some truth. We certainly respect people of other faiths. But we also believe that the Catholic Church contains the fullness of truth. And if we truly believe this, doesn’t it stand to reason that we would want others to experience that fullness? We should. That’s why it’s so important for us to joyfully share our faith – so that others can come to the Father through Jesus.
Father, may we always be joyful witnesses to you Son, Christ Jesus, who is the only way to you. Amen.