The Greatest

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In today's Gospel reading from Mark 9, the disciples of Jesus were arguing amongst each other and Jesus asked them what they were arguing about. I'm sure they were embarrassed because the Scripture tells us, "But they remained silent."

Jesus knew they were arguing about which among them was the greatest. While it may be easy to think ill of them, it's really not surprising, given that they were twelve guys. But Jesus tells them, "If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all."

I have some friends whose daughter works in Washington DC among the political class. At first she was amazed at how narcissistic politicians, and many behind the scenes, are in DC. Seems all they think about is how to get ahead and accumulate power, regardless of the cost to others. I'm sure this isn't the case with all, but I found it unsurprising. We must always remember, to be great is not to seek out or get accolades, but to serve.

Father, give us the heart of a servant, that we may be great in your eyes. Amen.

Today's Readings 


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