The Good Lord Giveth...

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Most folks can pray the Our Father from memory. Today we hear Jesus teaching His disciples to pray from Luke's Gospel. In our first reading we continue the story of Jonah.

Jonah was angry with God for a couple of reasons. First, that God had decided not to punish the Ninevites. And second, because God provided a plant to give Jonah shade and the plant died the next day. God asked Jonah if he was angry about the plant. Jonah replied, "Angry enough to die." And God let Jonah know about his stinkin' thinkin'.

The plant was a gift from God. But Jonah "took ownership" of the plant and resented God when he took it away. How often do we do the same? We have to remember that everything is a gift from God and when he decides to take something away, it is for our own benefit. The good Lord giveth, and the good Lord taketh away.

Father, may we realize that we truly own nothing, and that it is your prerogative to give and take away. Amen.

Today's Readings

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1 comment

  • Carl: October 12, 2023

    Hmm. I think that He is trying to tell me something. First, there is Job (1:21; 2:10b) in the Liturgy of the Hours and now Jonah with the same message.

    When I was a teen, I worked with an “old-timer” (which I am now!) who liked to say how everything in this life is either permanently temporary or temporarily permanent. The older I have gotten, the more sense that made!

    Thank for all that you do Gus! You have a wonderful knack for providing timely reminders!

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