Selective Hearing

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In today’s Gospel reading from Mark 7, a deaf man with a speech impediment is brought to Jesus for healing. Jesus restored his hearing and immediately his speech impediment was removed.

Just as when Jesus restores the sight of blind people they represent us and our blindness, so too does this man represent us and our deafness. And not only that, but our inability (or unwillingness) to speak plainly.

A lot of men (your’s truly included) have what their wives call “selective hearing.” We seem to have this amazing ability to tune out things we don’t want to hear. I believe this is a spiritual malady as well. We only hear God telling us the things we want to hear. Those other things (you know, like repent, change your ways, etc.) seem to go in one ear and out the other. Let’s pray that God will restore our (spiritual) hearing today, that we might hear his voice more clearly.

Father, forgive us for our selective hearing. Restore our hearing today, that we may follow your voice and do your will. Amen.

Today's Readings

1 comment

  • Julie Konetzki: September 09, 2024

    One way to “restore our hearing” might be to use the practice of Lectio Divinia you took us through on Saturday‘s retreat, Gus. I know it helped me take the the time to stop, look & listen!

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