Seeing the Father

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Paul and Barnabas lived a pretty crazy life. In our first reading today from Acts 13, the Jews are filled with jealousy because of the crowds that Paul and Barnabas were attracting. So the Jews had them thrown out of the city. Suffice it to say that Paul and Barnabas were undeterred. In the Gospel today from John 14, Jesus says to the disciples, “Whoever has seen me has seen the Father.”

What does God look like? Well, we know that God is pure spirit, that He has no form. And yet, He does, in the person of Jesus, the Word made Flesh. It can seem kind of complicated. And yet so simple. All at the same time. Jesus said, “Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me?” As Christians, it is part of the mystery of our faith. One God, three persons. Mystery.

Yet, we know that when we see Jesus, we see the Father. St. John tells us that God is love. Therefore, Jesus is love. And as we look around, hopefully we can see Jesus in others. When we do, we see God. This is as it should be, as we are all created in the image and likeness of God. It doesn’t take any special glasses, but it does take a special heart. One that is in tune with mystery.

Father, as we see you in Jesus, help us to see you in others today. Amen.

Today’s Readings

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