Offer it Up

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Have you ever felt like God is/was testing you? I think we all have at some time. Our first reading today is all about that. In the Gospel reading from Matthew 9, Jesus cures a paralytic; but it’s not so much the physical cure that was the big deal, but the fact that He forgave his sins.

Like any father, Abraham loved his son, Isaac. I’m sure he must have been beside himself when God told him to go to a mountain and offer up Isaac. Abraham obeyed God. Just as he was about to kill his son, God’s messenger told Abraham not to lay a hand on the boy. He had passed the test of faith.

Have you ever heard the old Catholic phrase "Offer it up"? It means we are to take our trials and sufferings and offer them to God to unite with the sacrifice of Christ. But when we think about "offering it up," it's really more than just about our pains and sufferings; it's about everything.  Are we willing to offer everything - even the things most dear to us - to God? Will we trust God through the trials and tests in our lives?

Father, we trust in you and in your divine plan. When our time of testing comes, may our faith hold firm. Amen.

Today’s Readings

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