Today is the Feast of St. John Vianney. He is the patron of parish priests because of his dedication to serving and healing his people. He would sometimes spend 16 hours a day hearing confessions. He is the model for parish priests as humble servants of Christ and His people.
In today's Gospel reading from Matthew 15, a Canaanite woman comes to Jesus asking Him to heal her daughter. Jesus tells her that He was "sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." The woman persists in her prayer, and Jesus heals her daughter because of her faith.
This passage should remind us of our priests. They are called first to serve their parishioners. But they will refuse no one who seeks their assistance. Christ is acting through them in the Sacraments. Please pray for your priest daily, and for all our priests, bishops, deacons and men and women religious, that God will bless them and keep them holy as they serve God and his people.
Father, bless all our clergy and religious, especially our priest, without whom we would have no Eucharist. Through the intercession of St. John Vianney, may they be the humble servants you have called them to be. Amen.
If your priest isn't familiar with the A Minute in the Church books series, get him a set today at
Thank you for the great message Gus. With so much attention given to what is wrong within our Church, it is important to not let the few who bring her shame overshadow the many who serve Her to well.
We are blessed to have a pastor who is very much like St. John Vianney. He does so much – and very few know just how much because you will never hear about them he does from him!