In today's first reading from Numbers 12, Miriam and Aaron speak out against Moses. The LORD did not take kindly to this, and punishes. See how it turns out.
In today's Gospel reading from Matthew 14, the disciples are out fishing in the middle of the night when Jesus walks up to them...on the water. Peter tells Jesus to have him walk on the water. And he does - for a moment. But then doubt creeps in and Peter begins to sink. Jesus rescues him and they get into the boat.
Peter's bold foray into walking on water paid off, but only for a short time. Why? Because Peter began to doubt. I mean, no on can walk on water, right? Once that notion got into Peter's head, he began to sink. Doubt will do the same thing to us. That's why faith - strong faith - is so important. Doubt is how not to walk on water.
Father, may our faith be strong, that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Amen.
As people return to church, teach them the faith in a minute by giving away copies of A Minute in the Church, available at