Today’s first reading from 1 John 3 can be a difficult one to grasp. St. John writes, “Whoever sins belongs to the Devil, because the Devil has sinned from the beginning.” We know that we all sin. So do we all belong to the Devil? In a sense we do when we sin. Sin is turning your back on God. When we sin, we turn away from God’s will and do the Devil’s will. Thanks be to God for repentance! When we repent, we turn away Satan, and return to God.
In our Gospel reading today from John 1, Andrew and Simon begin to follow Jesus. When Jesus sees them following Him, He turns to them and asks, “What are you looking for?” When we seek out Jesus, I believe we need to answer that same question. What are you looking for?
Are you looking for healing? Are you looking for some miracle? Are you looking for a stamp of approval? Or are you looking for a light to guide your way? Are you looking for a glimpse of heaven? Are you looking for the One who can give eternal life? If so, you’ve found Him!
Father, you know the hunger that lies deep within each of us; the hunger that can only be filled by the Bread of Life. Help us to find Jesus more and more each day. Amen.