Child of God

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Good Morning, Child of God! Are you comfortable with that “title?” I certainly hope so, because that is what you are! So says St. John in our first reading from 1 John 2 and 3. In the Gospel reading from John 1, we hear John the Baptist say words that every priest repeats at every Mass just before Communion…”Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.”

“See what love the Father has bestowed on us that we may be called the children of God. Yet so we are.” With these words St. John reiterates the familial relationship that we have with the Creator of the Universe. We are not just little pawns in some cosmic chess game, as some would have us believe. No, we are God’s family; His children. Jesus came to reveal to the world the Father. Not the Boss, not the Judge, not the Big Kahuna. Because we are not employees, underlings, minions or anything else other than children.

If you are a parent, think of how much you love your own children. Then mulitply that by a trillion to the trillionth power and you’ll get a glimmer of how much God loves each and every person on earth. Not just the ones who look or think or act like you. But everyone. Why? Because He is the best Dad ever!

Father, we are so thankful that we are your children. Thank you for being our loving Father. Amen.

Today’s Readings


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