Want to know what Jesus is all about and what he did for you? Check out today’s first reading from Isaiah 50. It really says it all. On Wednesday of Holy Week, we think about Judas Iscariot, the disciple who betrayed Jesus. In the Gospel reading from Matthew 26, we see Judas cutting a deal with the chief priests. He sold out his Master for thirty pieces of silver.
At the Last Supper, there were only two people in the room who knew Jesus’ betrayer; Jesus and Judas. And when Jesus hinted at who it was, Judas replies with a question, “Surely it is not I, Rabbi?” Such duplicity. Judas reminds me of….well, me. He wasn’t so much asking a question as he was probing Jesus. Trying to find out just how much the Rabbi knew. Like when we were kids and trying to hide something from our parents. A nice little game of cat and mouse. They knew, but they weren’t sure if we knew they knew.
Unfortunately, it is not something that we left behind with our childhood. We still play that little cat and mouse game, with others and sometimes even with God. What do they know? How much can I get away with before they find out? Hey, maybe they’ll never know and I’ll never have to come clean. But like Jesus with Judas, God knows all about these little mental gymnastics we play. In the end, it will all come to light. So why not just come clean with God now?
Father, you know all. Help us to realize that there is nothing that we can keep hidden from you. Give us the courage to come clean with you today. Amen.