A Life of Service

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Lent is over today. We begin tonight the Sacred Triduum. It is one long liturgical celebration that encompasses Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday. I hope you will make it to church for all of the services. Tonight’s Mass of the Lord’s Supper is one of the most moving liturgies of the Church year. Tonight parishes all over the world will reenact the washing of the disciples’ feet by Jesus.

Feet can be nasty. Today we generally wear socks and shoes and keep our feet relatively clean. But back in Jesus’ day…not so much. Their feet were constantly dust-caked and probably not very pretty. Washing them was the job of the lowliest servant. And this is the job that Jesus took on at the Last Supper. Jesus said again and again that the greatest in the Kingdom would be the least of all and the servant of all. For Jesus, this wasn’t just idle talk, not just a fancy teaching. He lived it. And not just in the upper room, but always. He healed, taught, prayed and gave his entire life in the service of others.

On Holy Thursday, we celebrate the institution of the priesthood. When Jesus said to the disciples, “Do this..”, he gave them the power and the authority to turn the bread and wine into his Body and Blood. Our priests live out that example of service that Jesus taught. They offer up their entire lives in the service of God’s people. When you go to Mass tonight, please be sure to thank your priest(s) for “washing the feet” of his parishioners.

Father, your Son taught us to serve. Help us to imitate Him and live out that example of service each and every day of our lives. Amen.

Today’s Readings


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