Holy Ground

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In today’s first reading from Exodus 3, Moses has an encounter with God. Moses spies a bush that is on fire, yet is not being consumed by the flames. Curious at the sight, he goes in for a closer look. And God calls out to him.

“Moses! Moses!” He answered, “Here I am.” God said, “Come no nearer! Remove the sandals from your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground.” It was holy because God was present there. Of course we know that God’s presence can be felt everywhere. But there are certain places where this presence is even more pronounced, even more special. I’m talking about inside every Catholic church. It is truly Holy Ground.

I’m afraid too many people just don’t get that any more. So many people treat church as though it is some kind of social club – incessant talking, chewing gum, dressing like they’re on the way to a ball game or the beach…on and on it goes. This begs some questions for us. Are we treating church as holy ground? Are we properly dressed? Are we arriving early enough to spend a few moments in quiet prayer? After all, if you were going to a meal at the home of someone very important, wouldn’t you comport yourself accordingly? Let’s always remember that JESUS is truly present – Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity – and we are truly on holy ground.

Father, give us an ever greater sense of reverence when we gather at Mass. Help us to remember that we are on holy ground. Amen.

Today’s Readings

You can help recover a sense of reverence for the Mass by giving out copies of A Minute in the Church: The Mass. The book is filled with one minute teachings about Holy Mass. Order copies today at www.GusLloyd.com today!

1 comment

  • Carl: July 24, 2023

    AMEN Gus! Were just the things you mentioned changed in church, I believe that it would accomplish more than the 28 million the USCB is spending on the Eucharistic Revival.

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