In today's readings, we see two people who hear things that probably made them uncomfortable. In the first reading from 2 Samuel 15 and 16, a man comes upon David and curses him. David's soldiers ask if they can lop off his head. But David says, "Let him alone and let him curse, for the LORD has told him to."
In the Gospel reading from Mark 5, Jesus casts out demons from a man. In his gratitude, the man pleads with Jesus to let him accompany Him. Jesus tells him no, saying, "Go home to your family and announce to them all that the Lord in his pity has done for you."
I suspect neither man wanted to hear what he heard. But the uncomfortable things spoken were from God. Sometimes hearing things from God can make us squirm. Especially when those things are truths that convict us. Let's be open to whatever God speaks to us, even if it makes us uncomfortable.
Father, help us to open our ears and our hearts to hear and accept your word, even (especially) when we don't like what we hear. Amen.
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