Harden Not Your Hearts

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The first reading and the Gospel today have to do with how God speaks to us. In the first reading from Deuteronomy, God promises he will raise one like Moses to speak his words. In the Gospel reading, the people recognize Jesus' words as being said "with authority."

Today’s Psalm response, from Psalm 95, is this: “If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts.”

God speaks to us in many ways. I believe He is always speaking to us. Given this, there are two questions that must be answered. Are we hearing His voice, especially through all the clutter in our lives? And second, how do we respond when we do hear Him? We can choose to harden our hearts and ignore Him, or we can open our hearts and allow God to change us. Which will you choose today?

Father, we open our hearts and minds and ears today to hear your voice. May we hear and respond to your call this day. Amen.

Today's Readings


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