He Knows You...And Still Loves You!

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Today at Mass we hear the Gospel reading from John 4 – the encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well.

Jesus is in Samaria and stops at Jacob’s well. This is important because Jews most often avoided Samaritan territory. He begins speaking to a woman there, and He tells her things about her life that He couldn’t possibly have known. This causes her to believe that she has encountered a great prophet, and she goes off and tells her friends about Him. Many came to have faith in Him because of her testimony.

Do you sometimes cringe at the fact that Jesus knows everything about you? I know I do. There are so many dark things that I would much rather keep hidden. Yet, even though He knows everything about me, He still loves me. The same is true for you. And since we cannot hide anything from Him, we should have nothing to hide. Open yourself completely to Christ today. Even with all your baggage, He loves you more than you’ll ever know.

Father, help us to stop trying to hide. We open ourselves up completely to Jesus today, and accept His amazing love. Amen.

Today’s Readings

1 comment

  • Carl: March 13, 2023

    Great message (as usual!) Gus. Having been there, I know that too many feel beyond His ability to love us. Surrendering everything to Him is so freeing!

    God bless you!

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