Invisible realities can be tough to comprehend. We tend to only focus on the concrete – that which we can see and hear and touch. But there is so much more. We get a hint of that in today’s first reading from Hebrews 12. This passage often reminds me of Mass. If we could see the realities of what is happening at every Mass, we would be in a constant state of awe!
In the Gospel reading from Mark 6, Jesus sends out the Twelve two by two and “gave them authority over unclean spirits.” He then instructs them to take nothing for the journey – no food, no sack, no money. Why would Jesus do this? Perhaps a small amphibian gives us a clue.
FROG. This stands for Fully Rely On God. Jesus wanted the Twelve to Fully Rely On God. They were to put their trust in God, to allow God to provide for their every need. Can we do the same? Does this mean we can sit around watching TV and eating bon-bons and expect that God will magically drop ship everything we want? Of course not. But we can be assured that when we are doing God’s work, He will provide for our every need…when we FROG.
Father, increase our trust. Help to fully rely on you for all things today. Amen.