Friday, February 24, 2017

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Gus addresses the Reuters article on Pope Francis with the headline “Pope Francis suggests ‘better to be atheist than hypocritical Catholic.” Gus reads the article twice on the air and can’t find anywhere where Pope Francis suggests that. Gus admits that he’s a hypocritical Catholic and offers his remedy: stop being a hypocrite. Practice your faith. Go to confession, go to communion. Make the Eucharist the center of your life.

Later, Gus talks about a neighbor who was out walking when a 60-foot tree fell on top of her. She’s still alive but has significant injuries to her body. Gus talks about how we react when life changes in an instant and talks to listeners about when that happened to them and how they reacted.

And, it’s Friday so Gus engages in some Prayer Time.

Pope Francis


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