A Faithful Friend

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In the Gospel reading today from Mark 10, Jesus teaches about marriage. The Catholic Church has always held fast to these teachings. Sure, they are difficult. But they come from Christ Jesus Himself. I hope that you will join me in praying for marriages daily. Marriage is under attack on so many fronts. Pray that God will strengthen husbands and wives and help them grow together in love and holiness.

In the first reading today from Sirach 6, we read about friendship. Not the kind of friendship that most of us have with our neighbors. You know, the kind where you wave hello every now and again but it goes no deeper. I’m very guilty of that. In fact, with some of my neighbors, I know the names of their dogs, but not their names. Sad, but true. And I’m sure I’m not alone. But Sirach tells us, “Let your acquaintances be many, but one in a thousand your confidant.”

The we read, “A faithful friend is a sturdy shelter; he who finds one finds a treasure. A faithful friend is beyond price…A faithful friend is a life-saving remedy.” Have you ever heard the old saying, “If you want to make a friend, be a friend?” It’s so true. Most of us can probably count on one hand the number of true, faithful friends we have. Let us thank God today for the gift of friendship, for our true friends, and for the opportunities He gives us to be a friend to someone.

Father, thank you for putting true friends into our lives. May we cherish them always, and generously return their friendship. Amen.

Today’s Readings

Want an experience of a lifetime? Join me and Michelle and Fr. Leo Patalinghug on a pilgrimage to Spain and Portugal, including Fatima, May 21-June 1, 2017. Get details here.


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