Catholicism and Thanksgiving

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Today is Thanksgiving Day in the U.S. Happy Thanksgiving! I have a link to today’s readings at the bottom of today’s post. These are optional readings for Thanksgiving Day. But rather than comment on the readings, I want to take a moment to reflect on Thanksgiving.

Did you know that the Greek word Eucharist translates to “thanksgiving?” Isn’t it interesting that, as Catholics, the source and summit of our faith is “thanksgiving?” So many people think that Catholicism is a religion of rules…thou shalt not this and thou shalt not that. Maybe you have felt that way before. Or even do today to a point. If so, I would ask you to reconsider. Catholicism is a religion of thanksgiving! Not just once a year, or even every Sunday. But all the time! Thank you, God!!

I’ll end today with one of my favorite verses in Scripture about being thankful. It is Colossians 3:15-17: “And let the peace of Christ control your hearts, the peace into which you were also called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, as in all wisdom you teach and admonish one another, singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”

That, my friend, is what being Catholic is all about.

Today’s Readings


  • Charles Roberts: November 27, 2021

    Listen to Mass and your program every day on my way to work and find it very insightful. Todays talk of being the yeast and and the tiny mustard seed was fantastic and leads to no end of possibilities in our own behavior as Catholics, friends and Children of God

  • Linda: November 25, 2021

    Great to hear your message. We no longer can afford siri xm and that was what we loved hearing from you those beautiful messages. May your family have a beautiful Thanksgiving holiday ♥.
    Love Linda and Russ

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