Another Year to Grow

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Happy New Year! I’m always excited about a new year. I like to start the new year thinking of all the possibilities that God has in store. Can’t wait to find out what God has up his sleeve for us this year! Jan. 1 is normally a holy day of obligation, but not this year, since it falls on a Saturday.

Rather than talk about the readings specifically today, I want to share some thoughts about the new year. I don’t know if you’re big on making New Year’s resolutions. I usually like to make a few. Sure, I’ll have the typical ones about losing weight, getting in better shape, etc. And there is nothing wrong with those. We do need to take care of our bodies. And usually during the holidays I’ll let that kind of slide. But I also like to make a few spiritual resolutions. How about you?

They say that New Year’s resolutions should be small, meaningful and attainable. For instance, don’t resolve to read the Bible from cover to cover. That may be too big and daunting for you. But how about resolving to spend five minutes a day in prayer, or in Scripture reading? Can you do that? If that sounds too big, then how about praying an Our Father, a Hail Mary and a Glory Be every day? That can be less than sixty seconds. Believe me, I’ve timed it! I hope that, whatever spiritual resolutions you make this year, God will give you the grace to stick with them.

Father, we thank you for a new year. For new opportunities to grow in our faith, to serve you, and to serve your children. May we see them and seize them every day in 2011. Amen.

Today’s Readings


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