An Unbreakable Bond

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In the Gospel reading today from John 5, Jesus begins to reveal more clearly who He truly is. He says, “My Father is at work until now, so I am at work.” By calling God his own father, He made Himself equal with God. This didn’t sit well with some folks.

In the first reading from Isaiah 49, the LORD says this: “Can a mother forget her infant, be without tenderness for the child of her womb? Even should she forget, I will never forget you.”

The bond between mother and child is so powerful. It may be the strongest human bond of all. Yet we know that there are times when even that bond may fail. God assures us that the bond between God and you will never be broken – at least by him. There is never anything that you could say or do that would make God love you any less. That is an iron-clad guarantee. So remember, even in those moments where you may feel that God doesn’t even know you exist, He never has, nor ever will, forget you.

Father, we thank you for always remembering us, always keeping us close to your heart. May we do the same to you. Amen.

Today’s Readings

Join Gus and Michelle and Fr. Leo on their Danube River Cruise pilgrimage Sept. 13-24, 2023. Get all the details and register here

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