A Message from Beyond the Grave?

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In today's Gospel reading from Luke 16, Jesus tells a parable about a poor man named Lazarus, who begged at a rich man's house, only to be ignored. They both went to their eternal reward.

The rich man, who was in a place of torment, begged Abraham, in whose bosom Lazarus was, to send Lazarus back from the grave to warn his brothers about their impending doom. He says to Abraham, "If someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent." Abraham says they wouldn't be persuaded "even if someone should rise from the dead." This is obviously a reference to Jesus.

What do you think about this exchange? If you were visited by a ghost or a spirit from beyond the grave who told you you need to change your ways, would you? Perhaps. But there is something (someone) much greater than that, the One who has defeated death and risen from the grave. Yet, we so often ignore Him and His message. To our own peril, no doubt.

Father, help us to heed the message of the One you have sent - Jesus - and repent of our sins. Amen.

Today's Readings

There are still a few cabins available on Gus and MIchelle's Seine River Cruise in June. Find out all the details and register to join them at www.GusLloyd.com


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