In today's first reading from Tobit 11, we read about Tobit being healed of his blindness. And in the Gospel reading from Mark 12, Jesus talks about how David referred to his "son" as "lord." It was a contradiction in terms.
There's an interesting thread in these two seemingly unrelated readings. Check out the last line of each reading. From Tobit: "That day there was joy for all the Jews who lived in Nineveh." And from Mark: "The great crowd heard this with delight." In other words, for both groups, it was a great day.
It's funny how as we go through time we tend to "rate" days. Think of a day in your life that was a great day. Maybe your wedding or the birth of a child or a promotion. Now think of a bad day. Maybe a tragedy, an illness or a death, a divorce or a broken relationship. Now think about today; about right now. Have you ever seen the meme "It's a good day to have a good day"? Let's take it to the next level today and think, "It's a great day to have a great day!" God's got a great plan for you today!
Father, help us to see that it is a great day to have a great day! Amen!
Would you like to join Gus and Michelle and Fr. Leo on a life changing pilgrimage on a Danube River Cruise? There are still a couple of cabins available for the trip this September! Get details and register at