Magnetic Christianity

"The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few;
so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers
for his harvest."
Luke 10:2
Those words spoken by Jesus nearly 2000 years ago ring even more true today. Christianity is becoming less and less relevant in people's lives. As our nation and our world fall away from the practice of the Christian faith, society continues its slide into a moral abyss. As a Christian, you can be a part of the problem by sitting on the sideline complaining, or you can be part of the solution by helping others to know Christ and building up the Kingdom of God. It's your choice!
In Magnetic Christianity, you'll learn about the eleven attributes of a Magnetic Christian. These attributes, all clearly found in Scripture, are already part of who you are. God has built them into you. Magnetic Christianity will help you identify and enhance these attributes. As you grow in faith and holiness, people will naturally be attracted to you, and to Christ. You'll learn how to naturally and easily share your faith through the practice of these attributes of a Magnetic Christian:
* Positivity
* Enthusiasm
* Friendliness
* Confidence
* Humility
* Honesty
* Kindness
* Compassion
* Approachability
* Generosity
* Encouragement
"The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few;
so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers
for his harvest."
Luke 10:2
Those words spoken by Jesus nearly 2000 years ago ring even more true today. Christianity is becoming less and less relevant in people's lives. As our nation and our world fall away from the practice of the Christian faith, society continues its slide into a moral abyss. As a Christian, you can be a part of the problem by sitting on the sideline complaining, or you can be part of the solution by helping others to know Christ and building up the Kingdom of God. It's your choice!
In Magnetic Christianity, you'll learn about the eleven attributes of a Magnetic Christian. These attributes, all clearly found in Scripture, are already part of who you are. God has built them into you. Magnetic Christianity will help you identify and enhance these attributes. As you grow in faith and holiness, people will naturally be attracted to you, and to Christ. You'll learn how to naturally and easily share your faith through the practice of these attributes of a Magnetic Christian:
* Positivity
* Enthusiasm
* Friendliness
* Confidence
* Humility
* Honesty
* Kindness
* Compassion
* Approachability
* Generosity
* Encouragement