Gus begins by talking about a disturbing story out of South Bend, Indiana. After an abortion doctor named Dr. Ulrich Klopfer passed away, it was discovered that he kept the remains of over 2,200 aborted babies in his home. It's interesting to note that Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg, who is mayor of South Bend, blocked the operation of a pro-life pregnancy center next door to Klopfer's clinic. It eventually opened across the street. Buttigieg is a proponent of unfettered abortion.
And yesterday Gus asked listeners if they ever prayed to find a spouse. Today, he asks them if they've ever prayed for the conversion of a spouse.
All this evil began with liberalism. It is the free love culture do whatever you want if it feels good. America is rapidly declining because we have no morality anymore
Regarding praying for a non-Catholic spouse to become Catholic. Gus, thanks for the willingness to have a discussion on a variety of topics and this one in particular. You stated quite clearly that praying for a spouse to convert to Catholicism was done because you want the “best” for your spouse and that Catholicism is the “best” of all the Christian denominations. If your stance was taken as a statement of “faith” I would agree with you, but based on your tone of voice and choice of words it seems to me that you were stating this as a statement of “fact.” If you take the stance that the Catholic church is the best choice as a fact then how can a spouse have a “discussion” about their beliefs when you have virtually taken a position that closes off rather than invites conversation. When there is a position of the “Catholic church is the one true church” and it is said as fact verses faith statement, dialogue about Christian unity will be shut down. In my experience, Catholic lay people are not more Christ-like than Protestants and Catholic clergy are not more Christ-like than Protestant clergy. Where is the evidence that Catholicism is the “best.” Regards, David