Seize the Day hosts the debut of the Catholic Channel Town Hall "Making the Movie: Unplanned," hosted by Gus Lloyd. Gus talks about the story that inspired the movie, how it all came together and what viewers can expect to gain by watching this movie with its subject Abby Johnson, her husband Doug, actress Ashley Bratcher, who portrayed Abby, and her co-star Kaiser Johnson who portrayed Abby's attorney Jeff Paradowsky who successfully defended Abby against Planned Parenthood in a lawsuit brought against her.
Before that, though, Gus talks with Shawn Carney, founder and president of 40 Days for Life who plays a crucial role in the film and in Abby's real-life conversion. He joins Gus to provide a little backstory on his and Abby's relationship, the part he played in some of the film's production and how 40 Days for Life is offering several screeners for their directors. Afterwards, Gus talks with listeners who've participated in 40 Days for Life.