Gus talks about today's feast day, which honors both St. Timothy and St. Titus. Both traveled with St. Paul on his journeys and both were parish priests and bishops and, throughout the centuries, many Catholic parishes have been named in their honor. Gus invites listeners to call in and talk about their parish, what they love about it and what is unique about it.
Also, Dr. Matthew Bunson of EWTN News calls in to go over some of the more notable Catholic news headlines, including the appointment of two pastors to auxiliary bishops in the Archdiocese of New York. He and Gus also discuss the role of the auxiliary bishop and how dioceses actually get auxiliary bishops. They also discuss U.S. seminaries grappling with transgender applicants, provide an update of the Vatican finance trial involving Cardinal Angelo Becciu and Pope Francis' call for a day of prayer for peace in regards to the situation between Russia and Ukraine.
Any condemnation from the pope, cardinals or local bishops on this? Or does the church continue to remain silent while science stares them in the face? Despicable act of evil.