Wednesday, December 18, 2019

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Gus talks about news out of the Vatican where Pope Francis announced yesterday that he is ending the requirement of pontifical secrecy for clerical sex abuse cases, which means that cooperation with civil authorities in these cases in the precedent not only in Church practice but in Church law. Crux founder and editor John Allen calls in to explain in detail what exactly this all means.

Also, since we're approaching the end of a decade, Gus invites listeners to call in and share what their faith journey has been like over these last 10 years.

And, Netflix recently unveiled a controversial new holiday special entitled "The First Temptation of Jesus," which depicts Jesus Christ as gay man who's bringing his boyfriend home to meet the holy family. Gus gives his two cents on the show's premise and invites listeners to call in and comment.

1 comment

  • frank Marsh: January 15, 2020

    a while back,You asked about “coincidences” in our lives. I could not get you on the phone rat the time, but I would still like to relate this story to you. My daughter,Margie, had completed a year of college and was changing her major to music therapy. I waited in an upstairs common room with a broken tv set that I tried out. No picture but from the TV a voice from an old “Waltons” TV show came on and said" If music is in a person’s heart, then go for it She has worked in music therapy with autistic children for over 30 years. As we believe, there is no such thing as a mere coincidence

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