Gus is back live from his historic Camino de Santiago broadcasts, and recounts some moments that stood out and talked with listeners about their favorite parts of the broadcasts.
Later, Gus talks about the big news that broke while he was away; the 11-page letter written by the former Apostolic Nuncio to the U.S. Cardinal Carlo Maria Vigano, which accused the pope and other Church leaders of removing shamed Archbishop Theodore McCarrick's sanctions in 2013 although he was aware of sexual abuse allegations against him. Gus gives his thoughts on the matter, in which he said he's very disappointed in the pope's silence, and then hands it over to the listeners.
Hi, Gus, We are doing what we can to encourage people to Pray, Fast and do Penance, calling our leaders to join us in this act of reparation. Writing letters to the Bishops and Pope and wearing gray pins, every day or Gray clothes to mass to symbolize our penance. Jonah 3:1-10.
I was looking forward to your show about doing something about the scandals, today. Why did you run a re-run?
Good afternoon,
Appreciate you talking about this conversation about our church leaders. Why did Archbishop Vigano feel his life was in so much danger that he had to flee the country? What’s really going on in the Vatican that he feels so unsafe to meet with Pope Francis face to face? By taking no action and not speaking this is his action this will not go away.I also wonder what is our Archbishop’s going to do about this here in the United States? This is what concerns me, God Bless.
Pax vobiscum,
Dear Gus:
Wow! I loved your Camino programs. Great stuff.
Today (9/4) you knocked me out again with your program concerning the abuse by priests and the probable complicity of many bishops and even cardinals.
This is disgusting to all of us Thank you for providing a place for your callers’ voices to be heard, listened to and respected. Further, you offered your own fair and honest opinions about the matter. You did not blink. You waded in courageously and you said things that must be said.
Keep up the good work. Each day I pray for you and your family.
Tom Buckley
I agree with you regarding Pope Francis’ silence, which I find perplexing and frustrating. So many times in the past I’ve been frustrated by his seemingly “off-the-cuff” remarks — and now he’s silent when he should be speaking to us about the current awful topic of corruption among the church clergy. I particularly recall when he was newly elected and someone asked him about a homosexual priest and he said, “Who am I to judge?” Well, that seems to be his current attitude. This is truly a sad, disgusting situation.
God bless you and your family — thanks for your radio show.
Shirley L. Hill