Last week, Gus talked about a poll on YouGov, which measured the cost of the clergy sex abuse crisis in the Catholic Church, which included many statistics about the state of mass attendance in the U.S. and the poll subjects were lapsed Catholics and practicing Catholics. One of the questions was, "Should the pope resign over his handling of the sex abuse crisis?" Combined, 35% said no while 26% said yes. The rest were undecided. Gus asks listeners whether or not they feel the pope should resign.
In light of today's Gospel reading, from Luke, where Jesus, moved with compassion, raises the deceased son of a widow in Nain. Gus invites listeners to call in who are widows or widowers, or know somebody in their life who has lost their spouse, and share how that experience affected them spiritually.
Tuesday’s topic had a call in response from an angry man who is leaving the Catholic Church because of the abuse crisis. How dare he leave the Church when it so desperately needs its members to defend it! Jesus did not leave the Church when Judas betrayed him. Jesus purified the Church then and it is being purified now.
The man should be reminded that the “Church” as created by Jesus Christ is perfect. Its only problem is that it is run by humans. Is THIS man without sin?? Will his next church be perfect enough for his self righteousness?I feel very sorry for his family. If any one of them angers him, I expect them to be disowned.
Our Church needs its faithful to uphold it while going through this purification. God bless you all!