Today is the Feast of the Guardian Angels. Gus goes over the Catholic teaching on angels and guardian angels and talks about where in Scripture we hear about angels. Afterwards, Gus opens the lines for listeners to call in and share stories about times in their lives they believe their guardian angel intervened for them.
Gus also talks about some of the prayers to our guardian angels, including, "Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God's love commits me here, ever this night be at my side to light and guard to rule and guide."
I COULD NOT believe that you were talking about our Guardian Angel this am! I was on my way to work after a terrible night ! I had another one of my recurring , tormenting dream of Satan . I always try to PRAY him away for what seems like FOREVER in my dream . I even woke my husband up last night. I immediately began praying to St Michael & my Guardian angel for their intercession! Praying helps but for some reason ( sleepiness(?!) I was having difficulty remembering the words to the Our Father !! – so I went through ALL my prayers to Mary, the Trinity , etc ! Before I go to bed tonight , I will START with my Angel , Michael & , of course, Our Almighty God ! Just wanted to say that I really needed to hear about the Guardian Angel topic ! Thank you & God Bless !