Tuesday, June 11, 2019

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Gus reads a Vatican document that was issued yesterday called "Male and Female He Created Them," which surmises that that the theory of gender identity is a "cultural and ideological revolution." The text, signed by Cardinal Giuseppe Versaldi states, "There is a need to reaffirm the metaphysical roots of sexual difference, as an anthropological refutation of attempts to negate the male-female duality of human nature, from which the family is generated." Gus goes over it and gives his thoughts.

Later, Gus talks with listeners who are, or who have been, involved in a ministry with their spouse as well as a document recently issued by Cardinal Raymond Burke and Bishop Athanasius Schneider called "Declaration of Truths Relating to Some of the Most Common Errors in the Life of the Church of Our Time."

He wraps of the program by talking about the Sacrament of Confession and asks listeners to call in and share some of their practices and thoughts on how they approach it.




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