Tuesday, January 26, 2021

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ETWN News Washington Bureau Chief Dr. Matthew Bunson calls in to go over a number of Catholic news items, including the USCCB's statement on President Joe Biden that caused some controversy, Biden's pro-abortion statements that conflict with Catholic teaching and several gender ideology issues that were included in several Biden executive orders and are bound for litigation. He and Gus also discuss Pope Francis' health as he's been dealing with a bad case of sciatica.

The final news item Gus and Dr. Bunson discussed was an incident that took place in Columbus, Ohio where a group of pro-abortion activists stormed into St. Joseph's Cathedral and interrupted a Respect Life mass with signs and slogans. Police were called and they were escorted out but no arrests were made and no one was charged. Gus gets listeners thoughts on them and asks should some sort of punishment be meted out on these people.


  • Rob Holl: February 01, 2021

    Gus, God bless you for your ministry and for resonating the voice of the Word, the Good News to all who hear your voice. Yours is a voice of reason.

    Being a life-long Catholic and being very involved in Church ministry, I have to say that I am so disappointed in our Church Leadership, especially Wilton Cardinal Gregory, for not immediately condemning the actions of our “Catholic” President, Joe Biden. Cardinal Burke stated that this President in not a Catholic in good standing and should denied Holy Communion. President Biden may think he is a good catholic because he may believe in the True Presence, but he certainly doesn’t believe in the moral teachings of our Church on Life and Family.

    I think there should be consequences for the actions of the President and the lack of action by our Church Leadership. I am not advocating people stop going to Church. Being with Jesus and the ability to receive Him sacramentally or spiritually is tantamount to our faith. However, let’s talk to our pastors and find our where they stand. If our parishes don’t condemn the actions of this president, perhaps we should consider financial ramifications; not totally, but perhaps reducing our donations by 10%.

    As Catholics, we need to be concerned, we need to be called to action. I don’t know what the answer is but we need to let our Church’s leadership know that as members of the Body of Christ, as members of His Church, we cannot stand by and let this President remove God from our lives, to remove the moral teachings of our Church, to make our great Country a secular nation, one nation without God. May God guide our President to uphold the principles of our Constitution and allow us to pursue the guarantees of Freedom of Speech and Religion, not Freedom from Speech and Freedom from Religion.

    May your voice continue to be heard. God bless you and God bless our Nation.

  • Steve: January 29, 2021

    Dear Gus,
    thank you for everything you do!
    I saw the video of this event and another video of a Priest who was obviously stressed out.
    The Priests are our shepherds! They do everything spiritually good for us (their flock).
    You are totally correct. We were born into this generation to be God’s servants in these terrible times. Smile and surrender to the Holy Will of God! We can excel with our prayers, hope, patience, forgiveness, love, and charity. Wear a Miraculous Medal, and be enrolled into and wear a Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. They are signs of our consecration to Mary under which we receive protection.
    If you see something awful, go do something nice for someone you know or don’t know. Heaven is in the little things.
    In early January, I made arrangements for 30 Masses to be said FOR PRIESTS EVERYWHERE in honor of one of Mary’s titles.
    I just made arrangements for more Masses to be said FOR PRIESTS EVERYWHERE in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
    I’m not trying to boast. This is a severe spiritual war we are in! Mary will crush the head of the evil one. I would like to see people everywhere have Masses said FOR PRIESTS EVERYWHERE under every beautiful title of Mary!
    We were placed here to fight the greatest battle in Salvation history. By having Masses said for our shepherds, we are uplifting them and giving them a spiritual shot-in-the-arm to fight the virus of hatred that is spreading around us.
    It is a chance for the (sheep) to do something for the shepherd! It might be like the Angels coming down from Heaven to console Our Lord in the garden.
    The remnant of the faithful will bring a smile to Our Lord. Steve

  • Gus Lloyd: January 27, 2021


    You can listen on the Sirius XM app. Just search for Gus Lloyd and choose the segment you want to listen to. God bless!

  • Martha H King: January 27, 2021

    I heard part of this interview on the Catholic Channel this morning and would like to listen to it again. I want to share it with those who do not understand how damaging these policies will be.
    How can I find an audio of the whole interview?

  • Mary Williams : January 26, 2021

    The intruders committed a hate crime and should be charged. This behavior would not be tolerated in other arenas.

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