Today is the Feast of St. Ignatius of Antioch, one of the early Church fathers who was a contemporary of several of the original apostles and coined the term "catholic" to describe the Church. Eight of his letters still exist and can be found reprinted in several books, including the three volume "Faith of the Early Fathers," compiled by William Jurgens. Inspired by St. Ignatius' writings, Gus plays a game with listeners called The Bible of St. Ignatius. He reads a passage to each caller and he or she has to guess whether it's from the Bible or the writings of St. Ignatius of Antioch.
Gus talks about a recent ruling handed down by a federal judge that nullifies a ruling made by the Obama administration's Health & Human Services transgender mandate, which required nearly every doctor to perform gender reassignment surgery upon request regardless of any religious or moral objection. Gus talks about gender identity theory with listeners, including several physicians who call in.
And, Bob Dunning calls in to pick this weekend's top college football match-ups with Gus and he's hoping to expand on his two game lead. For the season so far, Bob is 20-8 while Gus is 18-10.
St. Ignatius of Antioch, pray for us!