Thursday, March 30, 2023

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Fr. Leo Patalinghug calls in to chat with Gus about a few things, including the use of salt by the Church. Salt has many curing properties and is mentioned specifically in the Gospel when Jesus refers to his disciples as the salt of the earth. The also chat about how easily the mind can be corrupted and why that's one reason why people leave the Church.
Later, Gus talks about his 60 Second Reflection from today, which is called "Covenant Thinking," and focuses on today's First Reading where God established his covenant with Abraham. He talks about how it's similar to marriage and is countercultural in a society that thinks in terms of contracts. Gus asks listeners who pray with their spouses, or would like to, to call in and talk about it.
Also, Gus goes over some news stories of Catholic interest, including the hospitalization of Pope Francis for a respiratory infection and a Wisconsin man arrested for fire-bombing a pro-life organization's Madison office back in May 2022.


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