Thursday, July 9, 2020

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Gus is joined by Becket Fund for Religious Liberty President Mark Rienzi, who goes over their victories in the Supreme Court yesterday; first with the Little Sisters of the Poor over the states of Pennsylvania and California who tried to force the religious group to pay for abortifacient drugs and contraceptives for their employees, despite the Trump administration's 2017 exemption. The court ruled in their favor 7-2. Also, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of two Catholic schools who were being challenged in their decisions to not renew the contracts of teachers who were deficient in teaching and exemplifying Catholic values. The court determined that teachers at religious schools are indeed ministers. Mark breaks down each case for Gus and the listeners.

Later, Gus welcomes Zubair Simonson into the Conversion Corner. Zubair grew up in North Carolina in the Muslim faith and he talks about his conversion first to evangelical Christianity and ultimately to Catholicism as a working adult living in New York City. Zubair is the author of several books as well as a contributor to the National Catholic Register and the Catholic Gentleman.

And we also hear from Bob Dunning who calls in to talk about what might happen to the college football season this fall. Several FCS and smaller leagues have already cancelled their seasons so there is a possibility that the FBS may cancel theirs as well.

1 comment

  • Steve: July 10, 2020

    Hi Gus,
    we have to cheer the small wins in this desert we live in; confident that the final victory is assured!
    On another note, Catholics and others can be uplifted and learn much about our one true faith by checking out SENSUS FIDELIUM. Parents can use it as a great teaching tool.
    Long live Christ the King!

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