Thursday, August 1, 2019

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Gus announces that today is his and Michelle's 39th wedding anniversary and he recounts their courtship and wedding day. Gus talks about how much different he was back in 1980 and recounts that their marriage wasn't based in faith in the beginning, and had some pretty rocky moments. It was only until he and his bride had their mutual religious conversion that they took the spiritual aspect of their marriage much more seriously.

In the Catholic faith, marriage is supposed to be taken seriously, much like it is in other faiths. But, unlike many other Christian faiths, remarriage after divorce is not an easy process. One tradition that the Catholic Church has employed in its history to aide marriages before they start is Pre-Cana, or marriage prep. Gus asks listeners if they went through any sort of marriage prep, what it was like and if it helped.

And, Gus talks about how much different he was 39 years ago. He wasn't a practicing Catholic, was very egotistical and not really ready to be a husband. He says if he could go back in time, he'd tell his younger self that it's not all about you. Gus asks listeners what they would say to their younger self on their wedding day if they could go back in time.

1 comment

  • Maureen Capano: August 01, 2019

    Heard your Sirius radio program today. Happy Anniversary Gus and Michelle!

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