Gus talks about the offertory at mass, which is the name for the time during mass you put money into the collection. It used to be that every parish sent out envelopes to its parishioners and they'd drop a check or cash in the collection. Now, many parishes offer the option to set up electronic deposits. Gus asks listeners how they do it.
Later, Gus engages in a little Tell Me Something Good with listeners and then reads Cardinal Marc Oulett's open letter to Archbishop Viganò, which is very critical of his assertions of Cardinal Theodore McCarrick's censure and release by Pope Francis and accuses him of blasphemy and calls for his repentance.
Seize the Day is preempted in its last half hour so that the Catholic Channel could bring you a special broadcast of Columbus Day mass live from St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City with Cardinal Timothy Dolan as the principal celebrant and Bishop James F. Checchio from the Diocese of Metuchen, New Jersey delivering the homily.