Gus talks about the most popular sentence in today’s Gospel reading from Matthew 8, where the centurion tells Jesus, “Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my servant shall be healed.” We use that sentence as a response in the mass when the priest elevates the host and proclaims it as the body of Christ, except we replace “servant” with “soul.” Gus asks if we mean that, and other things, when we say that at mass. He says, if we don’t, we should. Afterwards, Gus talks about mass and some complaints he’s heard people say about it, including that it’s boring. He asks listeners if they think that, or have ever thought it, and call in and talk about why.
Also, Gus talks about the life and legacy of St. John Damascene, the saint whose feast we celebrate today and engages in some Tell Me Something Good with listeners.