In this past weekend's Sunday Gospel reading from Matthew, the disciples are on a boat without Jesus in stormy waters. As the rough seas rock their vessel violently, Jesus appears from out of nowhere, walking on the water. This frightens them even more and Peter says to him, "Lord, if it is really you, command me to come to you on the water." He does and Peter climbs out of the boat and begins walking towards him on the water. Looking down and realizing the nature of his current situation, he begins to fear and starts sinking. Jesus takes hold of him and brings him back to the boat. There are countless ways of interpreting that particular passage and Gus asks listeners to call in and share how their priest or deacon preached on that reading.
Later, Catholic author Joe Heschmeyer calls in to talk about his new book, "The Eucharist is Really Jesus: How Christ's Body and Blood Are the Key to Everything We Believe." It's been the mission of the pope and the U.S. bishops to revive the Eucharist in the minds and practice of every Catholic out there, especially since less than 1/3 of Catholics believe in the teaching that Jesus Christ is really present, body, blood, soul and divinity, in the Eucharist. Among churchgoing Catholics, the numbers are better but still far from ideal. Joe talks with Gus about why that is and how we don't have to only look at the Eucharist in faith to believe it is the body and blood of Jesus, but also in a pragmatic way.
And it's Monday so Gus does a couple rounds of Tell Me Something Good with listeners.